About JournalPeer-reviewed journal «Vektor GeoNauk» is created in 2018. ISSN 2619-0761(online version). The journal is published in digital format.
Establisher and editor of the journal is Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shoukhov.
The goal of the journal is assistance to improving of quality when specialists training according to strategic areas of state politics oriented on state attestation of research and academic stuff of high school.
The journal accepts an original research papers concerning fundamental and applied geodesy, land management and cadaster.
The set of articles is carried out in the group of specialties "Sciences of the Earth and the Environment":
1.6.9 Geophysics
1.6.11 Geology, prospecting, exploration and exploitation of oil and gas fields
1.6.15 Land management, cadastre and land monitoring
1.6.20 Geoinformatics, cartography
1.6.21 Geoecology
1.6.22. Geodesy
The journal is included into the Russian Science Citation Index and
Google Scholar database.
The publishes 4 issues a year.
Full-text versions are in open access are presented at the following web-sites:
www.elibrary.ru and
http://vektorgeonauk.ru.Publication in the journal is free.
The decisions of the editorial board are made by a majority vote of the members present.
Members of the editorial board are involved in the scientific editing of articles under the instruction of the deputy of Editor-in-Chief.
The editorial staff prepares for the publication of the journal, provides registration of incoming materials, peer review, correspondence with the authors, sends out proofreading, forms the content of each issue of the magazine and prepares the author’s originals and original layout of the issue of the magazine.
It’s monitors compliance with the requirements for the design of manuscripts of articles in accordance with the rules for authors.
Placing the article in the journal on its official website
http://vektorgeonauk.ru/ is a confirmation of the publication.
Copyrights are preserved in accordance with international rules.
The authors of the articles are absolutely responsible for the content of the articles.
1) is not responsible for the falsity of published data;
2) is not liable to authors and/or third parties and organizations for possible damage caused by the publication of the article;
3) has a right to withdraw an already published article if it turns out that someone’s rights or generally accepted standards of scientific ethics have been violated. The editorial staff will inform the author of the article, the reviewer, and the organization in which the research was carried out, about the fact of the deletion of the article.
The rules for submitting articles and requirements for their design are posted on the official website of the journal at